<aside> πŸ‘‰ These are notes about a pre-release romhack by YeOldeLoremonger, FFV ReJobbed.


Note that unlike many versions of FFV, FF5RJ doesn’t always provide !Fight and !Item commands. The 3rd Command can be replaced with other learned Abilities, to customize the Job’s role in battle.

Abilities by ReJob (v0.8)

Job Cmd1 Cmd2 Cmd3 Cmd4
Bardancer Dance Sing Flirt Drink
Dragadin Jump Imbue4 White3 Item
Mugger Mug Kick Item Drink
Wizard Black6 White6 Space6 Item
Swrdsman SwdSlap Slash Focus DrgnSwd
Merchant Mug GilToss Throw Drink
Caveman X-Fight (Berserk)
Sorcerer Blue Black4 Summon4 White4
Meleeman Fight Focus Imbue4 Throw
Shaman Terrain Mantra Combine Space3
ChaosMge X-Fight Animals Conjure Item
Mystic Aim Image Study Throw
WildMage Blue Summon5 Catch Combine
DRKnight Fight DrgnSwd Black3 Drink
Warlock Blue Space4 Conjure White3
Druid Terrain Recover Control Combine
SpellBlade Fight Imbue6 Glimpse Throw
Nagasadu X-Fight (Berserk)
Guardian SwdSlap Guard Control Drink
Mimic Mimic
X-Mage X-Magic
Normal Fight Item

(πŸ‘† Learned from Wind, Water, Fire, Earth Crystals, respectively.)

Learned Abilities by ReJob & ABP cost (v0.8)

ReJobs Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7
Bardancer Flirt - 25 Drink - 45 Dance - 50 EqHarps - 50 Sing - 100 EqRibbon - 325
Dragadin White1 - 10 MgcSwd1 - 20 White2 - 20 MgcSwd2 - 30 Jump - 50 DmgFloor - 100
Mugger Passages - 10 Flee - 20 Dash - 30 Brawl - 30 Steal - 50 Kick - (60?) Mug - 150
Shaman Space1 - 10 Medicine - 15 Space2 - 20 Combine - 30 Mantra - 45 EqRods - 250
ChaosMge Animals - 15 Summon1 - 15 Red1 - 20 Summon2 - 30 Red2 - 40 Conjure - 500
DRKnight Black1 - 10 Focus - 15 Black2 - 20 DblGrip - 50 HP+10% - 100 DrgnSwd - 150
Caveman Berserk - 100 HP+30% - 300
Meleeman MgcSwd3 - 50 Pitfalls - 50 MgcSwd4 - 70 EqSwords - 350 EqSpears - 400 EqAxes - 400
Mystic Glimpse - 10 White3 - 30 Image - 30 Aim - 45 EqBow - 135 Throw - 150
WildMage Learning - 20 Summon3 - 45 Control - 50 Blue - 70 EqWhip - 100 Catch - 300
Warlock Space3 - 30 Black3 - 30 White4 - 50 Black4 - 50 Red3 - 100
Nagasadu X-Fight - 405 2-Handed - 450
Swordsman SwdSlap - 10 Preemptiv - 50 Counter - 60 EqKatana - 180 Slash - 540
Druid Tame - 10 Terrain - 25 Space4 - 50 Recover - 135 Revive - 405
Sorcerer Summon4 - 60 White5 - 70 Black5 - 70 Space5 - 70 MP+10% - 300
Guardian Cover - 10 Guard - 30 EqShields - 100 HP+20% - 150 EqArmor - 150
Mimic Mimic - 999
Wizard Black6 - 100 White6 - 100 Space6 - 100 Summon5 - 100 MP+30% - 400
Merchant Smoke - 10 Item - (20?) Hide - 25 GilToss - 30 Caution - 75 Agility - 300
SpellBlade Magic Shell - 10 SwdGrab - 60 MgcSwd5 - 100 Study - 250 MgcSwd6 - 400
X-Mage X-Magic - 999

Innate Abilities

Innate Abilities Key

Detect Passages = S

Pitfalls = P

Floor Damage = F

Dash = D

Learning = L

Barrier = B

Evade = E

Counter = C

Two-Handed = 2

Preemptive = R

Caution = N

Berserk = K

Medicine = M

Double Grip = G

Brawl = W

Cover = V

Bardancer SPDEMC
Dragadin ECMV
Mugger SDNW
Shaman M
DRKnight G
Caveman CKW
Meleeman DC2G
WildMage DLN
Nagasadu EC2RNKGW
Swordsman EC2RG
Guardian PFBENV
Merchant SDB
SpellBlade C2G


Equipment Key