Many opportunities for amending the original, vanilla Final Fantasy 5 exist. Here are plans for some ideas, as some thoughts about good places in the game to add bonus content. Plus notes on some Post Exdeath endgame possibilities, as things fall into place

During the Early Game, World 1

Tycoon Chapter

Canal changes

Repurpose Canal mini dungeon (where Ship is the character) for later

Best re-use might be as tunnels in the Shifting Sands desert

World map is the canal now

every tile on the canal an encounter

first tile generates the Canal Unlock Event scene

last tile leads to the Carlabos battle, then to the Syldra event scene

Event Scene adds Syldra off the starboard bow, then vanishes in whirlpool (gaining Syldra summon event scene has this code), it fits w existing dialogue

Completely repurposes the Canal map for another use, this way— but complex, to add the Syldra sprite to an existing event. Or maybe not..?

Worus Chapter

Make North Mountain longer

Give it a secret cave or zone to come back to in World 3 (when finding Bahamut)

Water Crystal Location Change

Swap/Mix Shiva’s Tower and Water Tower

Karnak (now Earth Crystal) Chapter

Unlocking a path to Istory from Karnak, maybe change world map slightly

maybe special mobs that Berserkers can easily kill

Clockwork City

Lonka Ruins replaces Steamship

Add a Key item in an obvious chest

it will unlock new rooms in the ancients’ caves near Jacole

more good weapons and mini bosses in chests there

More room minibosses? Squads of BrassEyes?

Revised mobs: for a “derived from the Ancients” & steampunk theme

Screenshot 2024-12-21 at 00.18.13.png

Clockwork City still has the vent access to the room below Karnak Castle, dumps out to that same room. Castle will collapse not explode, in 10 minutes, explosion clouds need to get colors changed to white and beige, for the collapse, vs the explosion.

Once Clockwork City & Escape from Karnak is complete, and Earth Crystal Jobs unlocked (all 5?), the Library is accessible, same as original game layout.